I recently went to hear the LSO perform at their residence within the
Barbican centre. The full complement of 91 people performed 3 classical
pieces and 3 more “movie soundtrack” kind of pieces as a friend called
Half way into the first piece I started thinking of an analogy between
the musical system that was the orchestra and a run of the mill system.
First question that came to mind was how would you go about testing
something as complex as this.
Now you experts out there would probably say in an instant, that the
musicality matters the most i.e. if it’s easy on the ear then probably
the system is working well. Since I’m no expert and don’t possess such
finely tuned measurement tool I took a different approach.
My first idea was to grab a pen and write every idea that comes to mind.
The programme got quite a beating. The intention was to then bring all
those random ideas under the umbrella of a mind map. Enter
mindmup, a tool that a colleague suggested
some time a go. It’s free and, as any other self respecting projects out
there, it’s online. And just to top it all up it’s
now open source.
So here’s what I gathered while listening to the LSO performing Enescu’s
Rhapsody No. 1
Testing a symphony orchestra
2 min read
Piwigo and Video
Integration vs Acceptance tests